Voting Information


Check out our updated Resource page for actions you can take today.


Nov 5, 2024, Election Results by Precincts, Grayson County Only

Nov 5, 2024, Summary Results Report, Grayson County Only

State Election Results. Scroll down, and enter your address to see the results for your races.

Thank you to every one of our candidates! We are incredibly proud of the dedication, passion, and hard work you put into your campaigns. Your commitment to making a difference is truly inspiring, and we are honored to have stood alongside you every step of the way!

George King for State Board of Education
Simon Cardell for U.S. House
Dale Frey for Texas Senate
Tiffany Drake for State Representative
Brandy Douglas for D.A.
Andre Luper for Commissioner Pct 1

Grayson County Elections Office

May 4, 2024 Local Election Results

Grayson County Democratic Primary Election Results
Grayson County Republican Primary Election Results

State-wide Primary Results

For a list of all 2025 election dates, visit the Texas Sec. of State.

= = = = = = = = = = = – Register to vote or update your name or address using this helpful service provided by the Texas Democratic Party.

For non-partisan links, go to the Sec. of State website.

Prior election results

Grayson County Voting Precinct Maps  (download and print)

County-Wide Map of Voting Precincts  (hi-res, zoom right on in)

Become a Deputy Voter Registrar –
Call Grayson County Elections Administration Office (903)893-8683 and ask to schedule for a training. The training takes about 15 minutes and is held at the elections office, 115 Houston St, Sherman. All certificates expire at the end of even-numbered years, and you must stop by the elections office to pick up a new badge and certificate if yours expired.

Grayson County Voter Registration Numbers

Grayson County Elections Office website

When Can i register to vote ?

You can register to vote at any time; however, you must be registered at least 30 days before an election in which you wish to vote.

Voter registration is permanent in Texas, IF YOU KEEP YOUR ADDRESS AND NAME UPDATED. You must notify the voter registrar of any changes in information such as name change, moving to a new location within the county, or a change in your mailing address.

You may register to vote if you are at least 17 years and 10 months of age on the date the application is submitted, but you must be 18 years of age to actually vote in an election. You must register to vote at least 30 days before an election to vote in that election.


Recently updated required identification for voting in person. Some sort of identification is required to vote in Texas. If you don’t have a state-issued photo ID, like a driver’s license or ID card, you may use your voter registration card, a recent utility bill or bank statement, and sign a declaration, and still vote a regular ballot. Details here.

voting information resources

For more information, you may check the Grayson County Government website and the the Texas Secretary of State website.

Mail-in Ballots

You must apply to vote-by-mail each year.
Do it in January and if you’re over 65, check the box for all elections in the year. You’ll then get a ballot for each election for the current year. In even numbered years, the primary is in March and the election is in November. In odd numbered years, city and school elections are in May, and general elections are in November, including the Sherman city elections.

You may apply for a mail-in ballot in person at the Grayson County Elections Office, 115 W Houston St, Sherman. 

After voting, you may track the status of your mail-in ballot at the Secretary of State’s online tracker.

Official information at Tx Sec of State

Register 2 vote
Use this simple tool to check, update, and register to vote.

Texas Democratic Party (TDP) launched, which provides an innovative voter registration form that you can fill out online. The TDP then sends you a filled out application with a postage-paid envelope pre-addressed to your county voter registrar. All you have to do is sign the pre-filled application and then put it in the mail.

How and Where Can i register to vote ?

You may register to vote in person by completing a registration application at one of the following locations:

  • Grayson County Elections Administration
    Voter Registration
    115 W. Houston
    Sherman, Texas  75090
  • Grayson County Sub-Courthouse
    101 W. Woodard
    Denison, Texas 75020
  • U.S. Post Offices
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Department of Human Services
  • Department of Health
  • Public Libraries

Or you may choose to print a voter registration application from this website by clicking HERE for English, or HERE for Spanish.  Once printed, fill it out and return by mail to:

115 W. Houston

Or you may request a postage-paid application by filling out this form, and a voter registration application will be mailed to you with a stamped, addressed return envelope.


If You Move


Notify the voter registrar in writing of the changed information by:

  • correcting the information on your current voter registration certificate, sign the back of the certificate, and return it to the registrar, or
  • if you do not have your voting certificate, send a note giving the old information as you were registered and the new information for updating, or
  • complete a voter registration application, indicating “change”, or
  • completing a statement of residence at the time of voting

You will be eligible to vote in your new precinct on the 30th day after the registrar receives the notice, meanwhile you may continue to vote in your old precinct. Before you are allowed to vote in the old precinct, the election judge will ask you to fill out a statement of residence confirming your new address.

What if I Move Outside the County?

If You Move


You must re-register in the county of your new residence by completing a voter registration application and mailing it to that county’s voter registrar.

You may be eligible to vote a limited ballot in the county of your new residence during the first 90 days after you move if:

  • you would have been eligible to vote in the county of former residence on Election day if you had still lived in that county;
  • the date of the election is not more than 90 days after the new residence is established; and
  • your voter registration in the county of new residence is not effective on or before election day. 



Have problems voting?
Call nat’l voter hotline: 833-336-8683
or TDP hotline: 844-898-6837
active during elections.

Get a free t-shirt for a minimum $35 donation!

Serving as an Election Worker

Do your strengths include excellent customer service skills, learning quickly and accurately following instructions? Grayson County is constantly adding to their team of election workers. New training begins a month or two before each major election.

Go to the Grayson County Elections website for more information and application.