
Barb Rush, Chair:
Ron Briggs, Treasurer:
Jerry Eldredge, Fred Meyer III, Telephone:
Jan Fletcher, Events Coordinator:

Precinct Chairs

101 Amy Hoffman-Shehan
102 Karen Spencer
203 Pamela McGraw
301 Fred Meyer
304 Debra Rushing
305 Jan Fletcher
401 Obie Greenleaf
402 Mark Ewig
403 Lynne Duggan
404 Ron & Jeanne Briggs
Theresa Pegues, Secretary

Official list of Precinct Chairs is on the Secretary of State’s website.

The Grayson County Democratic Party Executive Committee consists of officers and precinct chairs. The EC meets quarterly. A quorum (50% plus 1) must be present to hold votes.

Precinct Chairs and the County Chair are elected for two year terms at the county primary in March of even numbered years.

Precinct Chair vacancies may be filled by appointment of the Chair during other times upon receipt and approval of the application. Submit your application to Barb Rush to apply for a vacancy. You may bring the notarized application to the next monthly meeting

Duties of a Precinct Chair

Oath of office

Grayson County Voting Precinct Maps  (download and print)

County-Wide Map of Voting Precincts  (hi-res, zoom right on in)

Important Election Dates (SOS)

Barb Rush

GCDP Chair

Glenn Melancon


Debby West

Former Secretary, now retired.

Jeanne and Ron Briggs

Ron, Treasurer,' Ron & Jeanne, Festivals

Jan Fletcher

Events Coordinator

Jerry Eldredge

Festivals, Telephone